demo mistakes

Wow I've just replayed throught the game myself and DAMN I have made quite a lot of mistakes in there...

I knew there would be a ton of them even after checking the code twice because checking it is well... boring but I wasn't expecting myself to make that much silly errors ^^'. I have started correcting my scrypt once again and will aply a patch later on when I'll have the time and the will power to do it.

I might even add a little bit more of the story in the demo... Maybe I will because I feel as if I've left peoples with quite the cliché cliffhanger XD.

Sorry for the short update but I just wanted to share somes of my thoughts. I will most likely continue to update you guys this way as I think it is a great way to let you on what's happening with the game. (I'll try not to bother you to much with thoses updates though so I dont think I will write them too oftenly and especialy not when I have so little to divulgue.)

Take care all !

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