current state of the game

Hey there everyone ! It has now been a mounth since I updated you guys on what is going on with the project so here I am to talk a bit about it.

Firstly; I still haven't found someone that would be willing to draw assets for the game and not knowing if I'll eventualy find someone, I've been practising my own drawing skills. I used to draw quite a lot when I was younger and I think I am decent at COPYING art but I cant really decently structure a  character yet so I have been working on the foundamentals. Sorry if anyone was excited at the idea of playing more of this game but if I find no one to draw for me I will need to learn how to more or less from scratchs wich with how little time I have for myself will take me a LOT of time...

Secondly; I just moved in Paris a few days ago for my studies so I haven't been working on the game at all throughout the week. I have others priorities at the moment ^^'. Also I dont know yet how life in paris will treat me, neither do I know how much time my studies will take out of me. To be frank, I was kinda expecting it. It was one of the reason I decided to label the game as a prototype for now, I didn't wanted to bring anyone hopes up.

Finaly; All of the things I have said doesn't mean I will give up on the project. I have been thinking about sharing this specific story with others for a few years now and I would love to make it a reality, it's just that getting the project "started" will surely take a while. Once I'll have assets ready, polished the code of the game,... I sould be able to deliver update more or less monthly like most other vn creators.

I would like to thank you guys for giving my project attention, it is deeply appreciated. Until next time ;)

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